About me

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Welcome to my professional website. Here you can learn some information about me.

Hello. My name is Klaudia Vargošková. I'm 18 years old. My hobbies are: shopping, sports (hockey, tennis, ice skating), watching movies, cooking, photography, swimming, spending time with family and friends, walking with Dasty and, of course, may be missing the most important thing- sleeping! My daily journey began entering and kindergarten. After a tiring Afternoon sleep it was replaced Elementary School that I was very in love. It is time to decide to go for their dreams. After a long decision I chose Gramnmar school of Jan Adam Rayman. Currently I go to class 3.D that I would not trade for anything in the world. I would also like to introduce my best friend and companion. His name is Dasty. I've already mentioned several times on the page, so make sure you know who they are. Dasty is cream colored Labrador.